Pattern Copyright Licensing FAQ

  • I want to help you create the best sewing experience for your customer. While the intention is sell the pattern as a PDF, shops may also sell physical, printed copies of the pattern so long as:

    • Your shop prints high-quality, color copies for your customers.

    • The pattern is printed at 100% scale to ensure proper sizing, especially for patterns that include templates (which include a 1” test square to ensure accuracy).

  • I’m committed to ensuring your shop’s success in listing, promoting & selling my product. Should you need any help or have any questions, you can always reach out to me at

  • If a pattern is ever updated due to an error, misspelling, or added/modified instruction, all shops with an active license for that pattern will be sent the updated PDF.

  • Each copyright license is granted only to the entity designated as “Licensee” in your licensing agreement. Therefore, if your shop sells through multiple channels, you may only sell the pattern through those channels which are owned and operated by the designated Licensee.

  • The license allows you to sell the pattern for 12 months. Licenses are non-transferrable.

  • Not at all! For as long as your license is active, you can sell an unlimited number of patterns, in accordance with the licensing agreement.

  • The agreement expires one year - or 12 months - after its effective date. At this point, if your shop would like to continue selling that pattern, you must renew your license, even if you have remaining printed copies.